Use Cases

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Use Cases

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Powerful Addition to Your Frontline

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A Digital Assistant that Knows the Ropes and Solves Issues

Stafrænn aðstoðarmaður sem kann til verka og leysir mál

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Powerful Addition to Your Frontline


Stafrænn aðstoðarmaður sem kann til verka og leysir mál

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Not Just a Chattering Chatbot, but a



An Expert with Comprehensive Knowledge

Unlike chatbots that often seem designed to keep customers talking until the next service representative is available, Mímir is a multilingual digital assistant capable of using internal system APIs to retrieve data, deliver information, utilise functionality, and resolve issues.

Mímir can, of course, be configured like first-generation chatbots to answer simple inquiries on specific topics. However, its full potential is realised when customised as a powerful frontline agent, adept at resolving service issues and securely delivering complex information from integrated company systems.

The SentientBot Mímir at Arctic Adventures

Mímir Solves Issues

Watch a short video demonstrating how our digital assistant interacts with various systems to efficiently resolve sales and service issues. Mímir successfully resolves about 60% of cases in the first interaction.

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A Holistic System, Framework, Processes, and Interface for

Revolutionary Communication with Customers and Staff

Revolutionary Communication with Customers and Staff

Revolutionary Communication with Customers and Staff

Revolutionary Communication with Customers and Staff

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Mímir is a solution-oriented smartbot that utilises generative AI to translate complex information from documents and systems into easy conversations with customers and staff. Additionally, it is prepared for the future role of proactively sharing valuable insights discovered in the data connected to the Context Suite environment.

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Lightning-Fast Lookup

Talking Documents

Talking Documents

Talking Documents

The system recognises the content of defined documents or data intended to be communicated with staff and customers.

The system recognises the content of defined documents or data intended to be communicated with staff and customers.

The system recognises the content of defined documents or data intended to be communicated with staff and customers.

The Next Big Step

Talking Systems

Both data and the functionality of existing software systems become part of an extensive communication network through simple and secure connections. Mímir automatically adapts to new APIs, and access can be controlled based on the user or interface.

Both data and the functionality of existing software systems become part of an extensive communication network through simple and secure connections. Mímir automatically adapts to new APIs, and access can be controlled based on the user or interface.

Both data and the functionality of existing software systems become part of an extensive communication network through simple and secure connections. Mímir automatically adapts to new APIs, and access can be controlled based on the user or interface.

Both data and the functionality of existing software systems become part of an extensive communication network through simple and secure connections. Mímir automatically adapts to new APIs, and access can be controlled based on the user or interface.

To Facilitate Accessibility, Mímir is a

Til þess að tryggja
aðgengi er Mímir

To Facilitate Accessibility, Mímir is a

Multilingual Smartbot

Multilingual Smartbot

Multilingual Smartbot

Mímir meets users in the language that suits them best. All the built-in languages of the language model that Mímir is based on are accessible, making it highly desirable in demanding multinational environments.

Mímir mætir notandanum á því tungumáli sem að þeim hentar. Öll innbyggð tungumál í líkaninu sem að Mímir byggir á eru aðgegnileg og þannig er Mímir tibúinn í fjölþjóðlegt umhverfi nútímans.

Mímir mætir notendum á því tungumáli sem þeim hentar. Öll innbyggð tungumál þess mállíkansins sem að Mímir byggir á hverju sinni eru aðgegnileg, sem gerir hann eftirsóknarverðan í krefjandi fjölþjóðlegu umhverfi.

Mímir mætir notandanum á því tungumáli sem að þeim hentar. Öll innbyggð tungumál í líkaninu sem að Mímir byggir á eru aðgegnileg og þannig er Mímir tibúinn í fjölþjóðlegt umhverfi nútímans.

Mímir Delivers

The Statistics Speak for Themselves

The Statistics Speak for Themselves

The Statistics Speak for Themselves

Tölfræðin talar sínu máli

Tölfræðin talar sínu máli

By connecting to the right APIs, Mímir can resolve up to 60% of issues without human intervention within a few days. Over time, this number increases.

By connecting to the right APIs, Mímir can resolve up to 60% of issues without human intervention within a few days. Over time, this number increases.

By connecting to the right APIs, Mímir can resolve up to 60% of issues without human intervention within a few days. Over time, this number increases.

By connecting to the right APIs, Mímir can resolve up to 60% of issues without human intervention within a few days. Over time, this number increases.

By connecting to the right APIs, Mímir can resolve up to 60% of issues without human intervention within a few days. Over time, this number increases.

Fast and Intuitive

Analytical Interface and Real-Time Dashboards

The system's dashboards and analytical interface meet the needs of general staff for ultra-fast, easily understandable, and flexible data presentation. They provide accessible insights into the big picture or individual cases from all angles. The system handles large volumes of data, updates in real time, and often becomes the users' favourite analytical tool for other data.

The system's dashboards and analytical interface meet the needs of general staff for ultra-fast, easily understandable, and flexible data presentation. They provide accessible insights into the big picture or individual cases from all angles. The system handles large volumes of data, updates in real time, and often becomes the users' favourite analytical tool for other data.

The system's dashboards and analytical interface meet the needs of general staff for ultra-fast, easily understandable, and flexible data presentation. They provide accessible insights into the big picture or individual cases from all angles. The system handles large volumes of data, updates in real time, and often becomes the users' favourite analytical tool for other data.

The system's dashboards and analytical interface meet the needs of general staff for ultra-fast, easily understandable, and flexible data presentation. They provide accessible insights into the big picture or individual cases from all angles. The system handles large volumes of data, updates in real time, and often becomes the users' favourite analytical tool for other data.

Ultra-Smooth and Natural

Conversational Interface

Conversational Interface

Conversational Interface

Conversational Interface

Conversational Interface

With a system that unites different aspects of AI technology in one place, we offer outstanding interface, functionality, and speed.

The quality of the conversation is comparable to the experience expected from a solution-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge on the best ways to respond to the needs of customers and staff.

With a system that unites different aspects of AI technology in one place, we offer outstanding interface, functionality, and speed.

The quality of the conversation is comparable to the experience expected from a solution-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge on the best ways to respond to the needs of customers and staff.

With a system that unites different aspects of AI technology in one place, we offer outstanding interface, functionality, and speed.

The quality of the conversation is comparable to the experience expected from a solution-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge on the best ways to respond to the needs of customers and staff.

With a system that unites different aspects of AI technology in one place, we offer outstanding interface, functionality, and speed.

The quality of the conversation is comparable to the experience expected from a solution-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge on the best ways to respond to the needs of customers and staff.

With a system that unites different aspects of AI technology in one place, we offer outstanding interface, functionality, and speed.

The quality of the conversation is comparable to the experience expected from a solution-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge on the best ways to respond to the needs of customers and staff.

A Smartbot of
Many Talents

Just as in mythology where the god of deep wisdom, Mímir, provided Odin with insights and context for the intended consequences of difficult decisions, Mímir provides comprehensive knowledge to address the issues faced by both customers and staff.

New Knowledge from Interactions Incorporated

New Knowledge from Interactions Incorporated

New Knowledge from Interactions Incorporated

Ný þekkingu úr samskiptum
lögð inn

New Knowledge from Interactions Incorporated

New Knowledge from Interactions Incorporated

Learning Through Experience

Learning Through Experience

Learning Through Experience

Learning Through Experience

Learning Through Experience

Our support intelligence solution not only provides a unique insight into what information customers lack, their intentions, and their needs.

The system continually learns from well-rated resolutions found in other interactions on the same subject. This knowledge further enhances its ability to resolve an increasing number of issues.

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Automated Responses and Evaluation of Automated Replies

Fluent in Many Languages

Fluent in Many Languages

Fluent in Many Languages

Fluent in Many Languages

Fluent in Many Languages

The system understands and speaks nearly all languages quite well, allowing it to meet customers on their terms in their native language.

Text-based conversation is typically the foundation, but various options to include both audio and video in the interactions are available, depending on the specific situation.

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

Long-Term and Short-Term Memory

I Know You

I Know You

I Know You

I Know You

I Know You

Information about the interlocutor is carried over from one interaction to another, regardless of the format or system in which they occur.

The system gathers contextual information and picks up the conversation correctly and appropriately.

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Make AI a part of your toolkit

Gerðu gervigreind hluta af þinniverkfærakistu

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Quality Level




Language Proficiency

Short-Term Memory

Which Model Fits?

Mímir Can Utilise Any Language Model.

To achieve the perfect balance between text generation quality, communication speed, and cost, Mímir can utilise any language model. As a customer, you can decide which language model to use or let Mímir choose the most suitable one for each task. If you have a custom-trained language model, Mímir works with it better than any traditional chatbot.

Quality Level




Language Proficiency























*Kostnaður $/1m tákn


Claude-3.5 Sonnet


Quality Level




Language Proficiency

Short-Term Memory

Which Model Fits?

Which Model Fits?

Which Model Fits?

Which Model Fits?

Mímir Can Utilise Any Language Model.

Mímir Can Utilise Any Language Model.

Mímir Can Utilise Any Language Model.

Mímir Can Utilise Any Language Model.

To achieve the perfect balance between text generation quality, communication speed, and cost, Mímir can utilise any language model. As a customer, you can decide which language model to use or let Mímir choose the most suitable one for each task. If you have a custom-trained language model, Mímir works with it better than any traditional chatbot.

Quality Level




Language Proficiency
































Kostnaður $/1m tákn

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Talk to an expert

Talk to an expert

Talk to an expert

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.

and experience high IRR with our adaption fast-track.